Natural Movement Skills: Lifting & Carrying


You don’t have to be taking part in ‘world’s strongest man’ to realise that lifting a heavy object safely is an essential skill.

Whether you need to do this regularly as part of your job, or you might only need to apply it in occasionally - learning how to lift an object safely is critical to avoid strain on your body and specifically on your back

There are a number of different lifting techniques - For example the ‘deadlift’ is one of them. Another way to do it is when you squat down to grip the object and drive with your legs to ascend back to a standing position. The key is to maintain a strong posture throughout the move.

Begin with your feet planted firmly either side or behind the object and start to bend a the hips whilst pushing your buttocks backwards. Reach down and bend your knees so that you are as close as possible to the object - keep your arms extended and perpendicular to the floor directly beneath your shoulders. Keep you arms extended as you lift the object , and once it moves past your knees, extend your hips forward towards the object. The chest and hips should rise at the same time to avoid pressure on the back. Keep the object as close to your body as possible throughout the move.

Having a strong SQUAT ability is an essential component of being able to lift efficiently and safely.

Learn how to perfect your squat here.

Carrying the object now brings us back to your balance skills and good posture - being able to feel where centre of gravity now is (of you plus the object) and shifting your weight accordingly as you move. Makes sure to press your hips and belly against the object so that you can supports some of the weight in your hips.

For more about Posture, you can check this video here


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